Strange Facts About Fake Urine To Fool A Drug Test

fake urine to fool a drug test

Fake urine is mainly composed of creatinine, chemicals, yellow coloring, as well as sometimes uric acid. This is mainly to imitate the characteristics of the urine. Fake urine has been mainly used for purposes of testing the impact of the urine on different products such as mattresses, diapers, cleaning agents, or different types of medical devices. Some of the facts about fake urine to fool a drug test have been discussed in this article.

Different reasons for which the company conduct the drug test

The drug, as well as alcohol testing, is mainly done to increase safety in the work environment. The people who are mainly under the influence of drugs or alcohol at work will put themselves as well as others at risk. There are different reasons for drug testing. The drug and alcohol testing program can help the company in some of the below ways:

  1. A company must avoid hiring individuals who are mainly posing a safety risk.
  2. One must identify some employees who have drugs and/or alcohol. This mainly helps the employees to recover and return to work safely.
  3. This helps in  reducing the organizational risk as well as liability
  4. This mainly helps in hanging on to responsible employees who mainly value safety
  5. The drug test mainly demonstrates the social responsibility to the communities they mainly work in.
  6. Every company wants to make sure that the medical costs, as well as accident expenses, are mainly kept to a minimum. First, if any employees are using drugs, there may be a possibility that they will injure more employees in the workplace. This will mainly lead to accidental injury claims which cost businesses a lot of money.

fake urine to fool a drug test

Different facts to know about using the fake urine for the drug test

Many donors mainly take appropriate measures to avoid the positive result in case of a drug test. This is the main reason for which fake urine mainly continues to be used. This is due to irrespective of inherent risks of detection during the drug test. According to some studies the donors have mainly attempted to use different household products, eye drops, soft drinks,  dog urine, lemonade, as well as other adulterants mainly based on myths as well as advertisements. This mainly promises negative test results. These are inconclusive results which may give more time for the body to be rid of the presence of the prohibited substance before the retest is conducted.

Many of the cheating methods mainly focus on dilution, while the others mainly focus on substitution. With the substitution method, the donors mainly attempt to cheat by using fake or synthetic urine which is mainly available in dry as well as liquid forms. These fake urine testing kits can be purchased for approximately $15 – $40.  The goal of this kit is to mimic the characteristics of the desired specimen.

These are some of the important facts about using the fake urine kit for the drug test.