A Guide On What Compensation Lawyers Can Do For Your Case

Choose a workers’ compensation attorney to offer yourself the best chance of winning your case. A lawyer can assist you in gathering medical evidence to support your claim, negotiating a payment, and representing you at a workers’ compensation hearing. Workers’ compensation benefits may be available if you’ve been injured or sickened on the job.

Unfortunately, even when workers’ compensation claims are reasonable, employers or their insurance companies regularly refuse them, leaving wounded workers to navigate a complicated system of appeals. Many applicants quit up at this stage, while others try their hardest to negotiate the system on their own.

You will have a much higher chance of getting the benefits you deserve if you hire Edward J. Singer, a professional workers’ compensation attorney. An attorney will contact the workers’ compensation insurance on your behalf, collect medical evidence to support your claim, attempt to negotiate a fair settlement, and represent you at your workers’ compensation hearing.

Make a case using medical, vocational, and other evidence.

The most common reason for denial of workers’ compensation claims is a lack of medical proof. You’re more likely to get all of the medical treatment you need—and all of the additional benefits you deserve—if you have excellent medical proof to back up your claim. A lawyer can help you by:

  • Getting medical views from your treating physicians and through an independent medical examination
  • Representing you when you’ve been asked to attend and answer questions at a deposition, and conducting medical expert depositions

Settlement Agreements are negotiated.

A workers’ compensation attorney has the advantage of knowing how much your case is worth when it comes to negotiating a settlement with your employer’s insurance company. Lawyers are aware of insurance companies’ negotiation tactics, which include everything from low-ball offers to fake “final offers” that aren’t.

Assist You With Your Workers’ Compensation Hearing or Trial

If you can’t reach an agreement, your case will go to a workers’ compensation court for an administrative hearing or a trial. Your attorney may take depositions of witnesses, request your medical records, conduct legal research, write your “pleadings” (petition, motions, and responses to the insurance company), and ensure that everything is presented on time during the “discovery” process.

Assist You With Third-Party Claims and Other Possibilities

In addition to a workers’ compensation claim, you may have a personal injury claim against a third party whose negligence caused or contributed to the loss. A lawyer can also help you figure out if you qualify for other benefits like vocational rehabilitation, wage reimbursement, long-term disability insurance, state short-term disability, and Social Security disability.